Project: Photo & Video Content, Social Media
Client: Radgonske gorice d.o.o.
Magical festive activities
Sparkling wine has a special place in the celebrations of festive moments and special occasions such as birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, as its flavor and aroma can enhance any experience. It can also act as a gift to give to friends, family members, or business partners to show your appreciation and brighten their festive experiences.
At the client’s request, we created a digital campaign that appealed to sparkling wine lovers and encouraged them to spend their winter moments with a glass of fine sparkling wine, showing its true indispensability in creating unforgettable memories and celebrating life.
Social media presence
Za namen kampanje smo organizirali fotografiranje, ki je vključevalo različne scene, katere so predstavljale druženje ob penini v duhu bližajočih se praznikov. Prav tako pa smo v stilu zimskega razpoloženja sestavili tudi poseben “Decembrski horoskop”, aktivirali TikTok račun in naročnika tudi podučili, kako se prijaviti na TikTok.
For the campaign, we organized a photo shoot of various champagne gatherings in the spirit of the upcoming holidays. We also created a special “December Horoscope” in the style of the winter mood and activated the TikTok account, and also showed the client, how to use TikTok for business.
1. Three different groups of people
The photo shoot was set on the premises of an old bourgeois apartment. The festively decorated rooms were transformed into a magical holiday venue with the help of additional lighting, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere, in which we placed our “sparkling gatherings”.
The scenarios we prepared were designed to showcase different types of celebrations and parties with a glass of selected bubbles – from a family dinner together, baking Christmas cookies, and an elegant girl’s night out to a romantic pampering for two. We wanted to appeal to different generations and further emphasize the indispensability of a product that makes people smile and leaves behind only wonderful memories.
The campaign was designed to recreate unique and unforgettable moments while highlighting the exceptional quality of the product. Unforgettable moments in the spirit of the holidays were therefore meaningfully linked with the unique slogan “It doesn’t matter where it’s who you’re with. Infallible, for over 170 years.” We wanted to remind people that the holidays are a time for socializing and creating beautiful memories with loved ones and that Radgonske Gorice sparkling wines are essential companions of these magical moments.
2. December horoscope
In order to offer something completely new to our clients, we decided to prepare a unique, slightly different “December Horoscope”. We wanted to create something that would delight the client’s customers and followers and connect them with the products on their website.
That’s why we came up with the idea of linking the individual zodiac sign categories to the noble Radgona bubbles. So we prepared a short horoscope for each zodiac sign, focusing on the characteristics of each zodiac sign and linking them to the products on the website.
For the Earth signs, we have attributed the Silver Radogona sparkling wine (semi-dry) to its traditional character and its recognition as it matches their desire for luxury and perfection. As water signs are known for their emotionality, devotion, and instinctive nature, we have chosen the Golden Radgona sparkling wine (brut) to suit their sophisticated tastes. Air signs are considered to be lively, so the light, aromatic Silver Radgona sparkling wine (Muscat) suits them. And to finish things off, we’ve matched the passionate Fire signs with the crisp, elegant Golden Radgona sparkling wine (semi-dry).
With our horoscope, we’ve offered something that’s not only fun but also useful. Individuals were able to connect with their sign and learn more about their specialities, while also discovering products on offer that they may have unintentionally overlooked before. Customers were thus able to identify with the popular products they use and connect more with the brand.
3. Radgonske gorice TikTok account activation
As TikTok has recently become an extremely popular platform for creating and sharing short videos, we decided to take this opportunity to create relevant content for our client that will attract the attention of the platform’s users.
For the newly created @radgonskegorice channel, we prepared different video scenarios, with a theme revolving around the festive season of December. Our aim was to create, first and foremost, entertaining and interesting content that would appeal to users and encourage them to interact with the brand.
This helped us reach a wide range of users and increase the brand awareness of Radgonske gorice. At the same time, we managed to generate interest in its products and made the client’s name recognizable among TikTok users.
No idea how to go about this kind of digital campaign? That’s why we’re here! Contact us and together we will make your vision a reality!